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For IT Staff & Developers
Software Integrations
Measure Square Cloud Platform
We have built Measure Square to seamlessly integrate with other software. Integration avoids double entry and streamlines measure estimating and sales workflow. We have been actively working with other leading software companies in the flooring industry to provide the best solutions for flooring business needs.
For example, the measure outputs by Measure Square software — estimate data, floorplan, seam diagrams, cut sheet which can be in the form of an XML data, Excel csv file or a floorplan PDF — can be accessed by other applications via web service API calls.
We have created Measure Square Cloud platform with a complete set of API to facilitate communication with 3rd party software systems.
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Integrated Flooring Management Software Systems
C/F Data Systems/STRUCTURE: Import estimate spreadsheet files into STRUCTURE. Other diagrams/cut sheets need to be imported as separate documents.
Comp-U-Floors: Integrated with sales, estimates, orders and inventory. Measure Square also stores diagrams and cut sheet documents.
QFloors: Integrated with the estimate/sales order and inventory system through the MeasureSquare Cloud API. We allow for the storing of diagrams and cut sheet documents.
Roll Master: Integrated with the order and inventory system through the MeasureSquare Cloud API. There is also storage for diagrams and cut sheet documents.
If you are currently evaluating management software system and like to have a consultation about integration -